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Volunteer for Your Community!

Volunteers are the heroes of the Council on Aging and COAST Transportation!

There are many ways you can help us serve community members in need....


  • Volunteer at one of our senior meal sites setting tables, delivering meals, and helping us clean up afterwards-we have meal sites in LaCrosse, Endicott, Palouse, Pullman and Colfax.                    Call Paige 509-397-4305

  • Volunteer at one of our rural food pantries-located in Endicott, LaCrosse, St John, Rosalia, Oakesdale, Tekoa, Palouse, Colton/Uniontown and Garfield. Call Paige 509-397-4305

  • Volunteer at our Colfax Food Pantry-helping unload donations of food, organize the food pantry, and distribute food on days the pantry is open to the public. Call Gail McNeilly 509-595-5110

  • Help us by delivering Meals-on-Wheels in Colfax or Pullman. Call Margie 509-397-4305

  • Become a volunteer driver for COAST Transportation! Even in an hour,  you can drive a neighbor in need to access crucial services. 


Community Members (both university students and residents) are also encouraged to register for volunteer opportunities through our Council on Aging & Human Services GivePulse Page.


Council on Aging & Human Services GivePulse opportunities shown here:

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